What lovely ideas for a little girl's winter birthday party! :) Hey- I'd love it for my birthday party! Click HERE to see all of the inspiration images.
These are just lovely. Vintage brooch bouquets are a fairly new trend. I saw my first one a while back and just loved it. You might even include your mom or grandma (or great-grandma's) brooches to add a bit of sentimental value. Click here to see more inspiration.
Do you have an old sweater? or two? or a few? This would be a great way to make use of them! They are so so so cute! :) Click here for the DIY tutorial! Have fun! :)
If you are crafty and know how to use a sewing machine- this may be a project for you! I love how resourceful this is- as well as all of the cute possibilities that it holds. Click here for the Tutorial. Have fun! :) Let me know if you make this! I would love to see a photo of your version! :)